Future Topics: February
Feb 13, 2011I hope for this blog to be a good mix of theory and practice. In addition to talking a little bit about what I’m doing, I’ll be posting about strength and conditioning theory. What I choose to talk about will be influenced by what’s currently in my training schedule.
Prior Topics: Learning Phase (Dec/Jan)
This phase started around Dec 20th and lasted until January 29th. I learned how to do some Olympic lifts and variations using dumbells. I also learned and practiced my jump rope training.
Some of the topics that were written about in this phase were:
- goal setting
- program design by Tim Morrill
- program design by Matt Mackey
- Olympic lifting
- jump rope training
- dealing with foul weather and equipment restrictions
February: short circuit!
This training block is going to be a short block of time devoted to circuit training. The purpose is primarily to give myself some indoor variety in my training. I hope to see some benefit to improved body composition as well.
I realize February is about half over. Since the beginning of February I've started in on circuit training, experimented with Bikram Yoga, had an excellent conversation with a massage therapist and his students, had a visit from Colin McIntyre who hooked me up with an unique training aparatus, and had a visit from Tim Morrill who I met in person for the first time. So yea I've got some catching up to do in my writing!
Here are some topics I'll cover before the month is out:
- circuit training
- visits from Tim Morrill and Colin McIntyre
- soft tissue work and massage
If these topics look interesting to you, make sure you don't miss 'em by subscribing to my blog. (Click on the RSS "Posts" button in the upper right hand corner of this page.)
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