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Future Topics: Nov/Dec

Nov 09, 2010

I hope for this blog to be a good mix of theory and practice.  In addition to talking a little bit about what I'm doing each day, I'll be posting about strength and conditioning theory.  What I choose to talk about will be influenced by what's currently in my training schedule.  My focus for the next six weeks is to increase the volume of running I can do and to focus on strength endurance.  I will also be doing a lot of core work.

Here are some of the topics I'll be blogging about in the next six weeks:

  • explaining interval training
  • strength endurance training
  • training the whole core
  • one legged strength
  • cardiovascular training terminology
  • useful fitness testing

Ready to take the next step?  Sign-up for my 6 week Sprint-Agility-Quickness program!

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