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Make a rough draft, not a resolution!

Happy New Year!

All over the blogosphere people are posting about their goals for the upcoming year.  Yet, we all know that New Year's resolutions have a notoriously high failure rate.  Why is this?  The New Year is an artificial deadline for setting goals so and perhaps choose goals that have not ... more!
Crawling for Core Stability and Coordination core strength cross training parkour post season training ultimate fitness training ultimate fitness workouts

Learning Something New

The post season and early off season is a great time to experiment with new training ideas. You can learn new movement patterns without the pressure of looking for results. Cross training or learning a new physical skill is a great way to keep they body active while giving yo... more!
I am not a guru training principles

A friend of mine from Explosive Sports Performance posted this on Facebook the other day...

Here is the link to the article

I bring this up for two reasons.

1.  The content.  Go read the article to which Phil is referring.

I don't always enjoy the tone of voice of T-Nation articles, but Mark R... more!
How to Get Your Training Back on Track

Melissa Wimter offers fitness training consultation

So it's about mid-season for club players in the US.  Hopefully all is going well with you and your training plan.  I hope you're feeling strong, fit, fast, and invincible.  If, however, you've gotten a bit off track don't beat yourself up.  Let's figure out what you need to do to get your trainin... more!
Protein and Poultry Days: Egg Eating Contest

I've gotten a lot of questions from my 25 Tips list about nutrition.  Today, I finally give a few answers about protein.  I'm no expert on nutrition but I can at least give you a few basics you NEED to know about protein if you're training hard in the weight room.

As an added bonus, this gives me a... more!
5 Things I Learned in Training and Traveling

Luckily my training over the past 2 months has been more consistent than would be indicated by the frequency of my posts.

I recently got back to the US after traveling in Europe since March 6th. While traveling I was working on my new training program (coming out June 6th!), giving a few clinics, p... more!